Rexanmathe replied

338 weeks ago

Crank: High Voltage In Hindi Download > DOWNLOAD

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Chev Chelios survives a fall from the sky, sort of. He's in an unknown location, sedated, while various Chinese are harvesting his organs. His heart is gone, in an ice chest; a temporary in its place. Chev escapes, knowing only the name of the guy with the ice chest. He calls Doc Miles, an unlicensed cardiologist, who tells him there's only an hour's life in the artificial heart: keep it charged. Chev needs to find his own heart and get to Doc for a transplant. He starts his time-limited pursuit of shadowy figures, the ice chest, and his heart aided by Eve, Rei, and Venus - a stripper, a prostitute, and a pal with Tourette's - constantly needing an electric charge to keep going.
Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working.
&quot;Crank 2: High Voltage&quot; plays like a Laz Buhrmann production on crack. This sequel to the 2006 original is one of those frantic, postmodern action pictures, replete with snarky dialogue, cartoonish - though highly graphic - violence, and cut-and-paste visuals.<br/><br/>Jason Statham returns as the reformed hit man who has his heart literally ripped out of his chest by a passel of armed-to-the-teeth bad guys and replaced with a mechanical one. Stratham races against the clock searching for his original ticker before the replacement runs out of juice.<br/><br/>As conceived and executed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, &quot;Crank 2&quot; might have had the makings of a genuine cult classic were it not trying so ridiculously hard to impress us. As it is, the frenetic pacing, cuisinart-style editing, and migraine-inducing visuals wind up merely wearing us out in the end.
This was the most idiotic movie that I have seen in a while! It had cornball jokes and boring scenes which were irrelevant to the storyline. It seems that the movie was intended to be as stupid as possible. Everything about the movie seemed cheap and ridiculous. Because this movie stunk so badly, I may never watch another Jason Statham movie again and that&#39;s sad because I really liked him as an actor. My husband and I forced ourselves to finish watching the movie just so we wouldn&#39;t waste our money for the rental. This movie does not nearly compare to the first Crank movie and it was a huge disappointment. So sad!
Benefits of the first film's ancillary gross-out will jolt "Voltage" like a speedball shot to the groin, until word of mouth spreads like an STD.
Crank: High Voltage is an action-thriller written by film-makers Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, who also co-directed the film. It is a sequel to <a href="/title/tt0479884/">Crank (2006)</a> (2006). Crank: High Voltage picks up immediately where the first one finishes, there is a three month gap, and then the film continues, Chev (<a href="/name/nm0005458/">Jason Statham</a>) falls out of a helicopter. At the beginning of Crank: High Voltage, it shows Chev being removed from the scene by a snow shovel. He then wakes up in the hospital, after having his heart transplanted. Whatever it be, it&#39;s a MacGuffin, an object used to thrust forward a story but often never identified. The leaves the actual interpretation of the item in the film to the viewer. The way Chev Chelios describes the unknown object that&#39;s inside the box after he opens it suggests that it&#39;s something very disgusting, e.g., an illegal drug, somebody&#39;s body part or possibly something pornographic. During the first part of the credits, Doc Miles places Chev&#39;s heart back in (although we don&#39;t see what he does with Poon Dong) while Eve watches (due to the fire, Chev is covered in full-body bandages). At first, it looks like a failure, but after everyone leaves, Chev&#39;s eyes open, and his heart is heard beating. In addition, there are several bloopers shown after the credits begin.
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